Plant Serum
Suggested for: Anyone
Bullseye concern: Blemish or acne prone skin
Scent: Lightly nutty from jojoba oil/ light aromatic scent
Consistency: Water-like
Size: 15 ml, glass roller bottle
Hand crafted plant based serum. Potent organic essential oils that work together repress bacteria growth and fight blemishes. Use at onsite of tenderness, raised skin as often as possible throughout the day.
Organic jojoba oil: preserves moisture, antibacterial, non-comedogenic (does not clog pores), treats acne, soothes, may minimize scars.
Organic lemon-eucalyptus essential oil: absorbent, antibacterial,astringent,conditioning, anti- inflammatory, fights infection.
Organic tea tree essential oil: antiseptic, fight acne, boosts wound healing, soothes inflammation.
Organic peppermint essential oil: naturally cleanses, antiseptic, antibacterial, cooling, soothing.
Organic clove essential oil: antimicrobial, calms irritated skin, reduces redness, improves radiance.
Organic thyme essential oil: antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory.
Organic bergamot essential oil: antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, natural cleanser.
Organic turmeric essential oil: anti-fungal,antiseptic, prevents further breakout, fades away marks through out time.
Organic copaiba essential oil: anti-inflammatory,healing, soothing.